

[관련행사]ICOSTI 2019
작성자 : 관리자 2019-02-08조회 : 5295

The 4th International Conference of Supply Chain
and Technology Innovation (ICOSTI 2019)

Theme: “Global Value Chain and Logistics in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution”
August 12-15, 2019
Venue: Kyungsung University, Busan, South Korea



Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea
CSUPOM (Consortium of Supply Chain & Operations Management), U.S.A.
Kyungsung University, Korea
Korea Trade Research Association, Korea
Korean Association of Shipping and Logistics, Korea
Korea Association for International Commerce and Information, Korea
Korea Maritime Institute, Korea
Silicon Valley Center for Operations & Technology Management at SJSU, U.S.A.

Early-Bird Registration (on or before May 31, 2019):
o Regular registration: $350
o Student registration: $150
After Early-Bird Registration:
o Regular registration: $400
o Student registration: $150
Industry Visit (Fee’s included in the registration fee):
Cultural Experience Visit:
o Regular/student: $100 (including lunch and entrance fees)
Students: Please submit a copy of your student ID with the registration form to registration@icoscti.org.
At least one author must register for the conference in order to publish their paper or abstract in the proceedings and attend the meeting to make a presentation.
Publications and Awards
• Papers and abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings.
• Full papers will be considered to be published in the JKT, AJSL, JSCOM, or KICIR through a review process of each journal.
• Scholarly Paper Contests: Best Paper Awards
Best Application Paper
Best Theoretical Paper
Best Student Paper
There are two conditions for the eligibility of Best Student Paper:
- Only one paper can be submitted by an entrant.
- The submitted paper must present original research conducted primarily by the entrant. Some assistance by other individuals (such as the student's faculty advisor) is permitted as long as the student is the “first author” on the paper. Research advisors must certify that the student's contribution to the paper exceeds 50%.